March 26, 2010

Amazing Editorial

I just found this editorial from the Harpers Bazaar: Russia magazine (I don't know what issue, but if anyone knows, please tell me :D), and it was amazing! The model was mah gurl Chloe Sevigny, posing around animal-shaped hedges, bushes and tall trees, all beneath a perfect, cloudless blue sky.

L. O. V. E

Photographer: Pavel Havlicek
I spy with my little eye...McQueen? :D

Tweedledee and Tweedledum? :D Alice in Wonderland inspired, probably!

Viktor and Rolf!

Amazing, no?

Courtesy of Fashion Editorials for the photos.


Sharonnz said...

Just wondering, when are you going to finish posting the pages for Eternity Magazine????

ADJAJA/Anna said...


Anonymous said...

it's harper's bazaar april 2010 russia))))I have this issue=))
